Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura  has the effect of changing it.

The theory

Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura, has the effect of changing it. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colours, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, re, infra red and ultra violet. Any deficiency or excess of these colours upsets the body's energy balance leading to illness. Gemstones heal by restoring the balance to the original composition of the nine colours.

Gemstones transmit a specific wavelength to the body, which converts these rays into a chemical form that the body can utilize to improve its functioning both on a physical and an emotional level.

The history

Gem therapy is not a new-fangled notion. There is evidence to show that the healing properties of gemstones were recognized as far back as the Greek and Egyptian civilizations and in the Vedic period in India. Archaeologists have found evidence of systematic mining for gemstones in Egypt over 7000 years ago as well as in the Oxus Valley in Afghanistan.

The Vedas are acknowledged as the authority on gems, their description, potencies and prescription for effective use. According to the Vedas, imbalances could be set right either by wearing gems against one's skin or using them as an ingredient to make medicines and potions to be taken internally.

Even the gems worn by the kings and queens were not purely for decoration. They adorned the crowns of royalty primarily for their occult powers. They were thought to be capable of influencing the powers of nature and of increasing the wealth, power and popularity of the wearer.  According to the sages in ancient times, gemstones also had the ability to divert negative planetary influences.

The practice

It is believed that gemstones react differently with different people.

The simplest way to practice gem therapy is to wear high quality round beads around the neck. Some practitiones make a solution using gemstones and alcohol. A high quality gemstone is placed in a solution of diluted alcohol and stored in the dark for about a week. As a result, the vibratory force of the gem permeates the alcohol, which can be used as a medicine. Another process involves placing the gemstone in a glass jar filled with water in the sunlight. The rays of the sun help the water to acquire the vibratory force of the gemstone and thus the water has medicinal value.

It is imperative that the gems used in therapy be of natural origin. Synthetic gems or natural gems that have been heated or irradiated in a laboratory to improve the colour or the clarity of the stone lose their inherent energies and are useless from a therapeutic point of view. Hence, when looking for a gemstone for therapeutic purposes, one needs to approach a qualified gemologist.

The Power of Gemstones

We have all heard stories like: Oh, I was waiting for a verdict in my favour for a number of years. Then I wore this yellow sapphire, and within a week I got the good news! I don't know if it is because of the ring, but you never can tell? The science of astrology is something that has fascinated Indians for centuries. Along with a craving for knowledge of what the future holds, the desire for love, luck and happiness pushes us towards Vedic astrology and numerology in the hope that we may somehow influence our destiny. Gemstones have been used for therapeutic purposes in accordance with astrology for centuries. While many scoff at the idea of gems exerting any influence over us, others have complete faith in this science. But before experimenting with stones, it is important to understand more about them. Do they really work? How do they work?

The planets in their set orbits through the Milky Way constantly emit both positive and negative magnetic vibrations. Vedic astrology is the science that studies how these influences affect each person both for good and for ill, and how certain remedial agents like gemstones, metals and plants protect the body and mind.

A play of colours

Planets radiate their energy and influence through colour. The astrological powers of gemstones are derived from the special cosmic influences of their associated ruling planets. The ancient gemological texts of India explain that white light is actually composed of nine colours, symbolic of the nine planets. The nine planets for astrological purpose include:

Sun (which is essentially a star, and not a planet)Moon (a satellite), Rahu (the north node of the moon)Ketu (the south node of the moon)Jupiter (brihaspati) Mercury (budha)Venus (Shukra)Saturn (shani)Mars (mangal)Each of these 9 planets exerts a particular influence on you, depending on their position at the time of your birth. Some planets have a strong influence on your life, while others have a weak influence.

The 9 colours to correspond with the 9 planets include the primary colours, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red (which are visible in the form of a rainbow) and ultra-violet and infra-red (which remain invisible to the naked eye).

How does this science work?

To take an example, Jupiter is associated with the colour BLUE. Most wealthy individuals possess a strong Jupiter in their horoscopes. If Jupiter is weak in your horoscope, you may be required to balance it out by wearing a natural yellow sapphire or topaz, as yellow stones transmit light blue colour waves.

Similarly, Saturn is a very strong planet, and it influences one's work, employment and ageing. While it has a dark, malevolent nature, if properly balanced it can also induce great benefits. Saturn transmits its energy through VIOLET waves, which are found in gems like blue sapphires and amethysts.

In this manner, gemstones are used to balance out the influence of planets.

The positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto with regard to the earth and other plants at the time of your birth are considered inconsequential, and these planetary positions of these planets are not considered in any astrological calculation.

Why gems?

Gemstones are the most natural means of transmitting colour waves to your body. They encourage the transmission of pure colour, and can be worn permanently, thus ensuring a constant influence. Thus when wearing a gemstone, care should be taken to insure that it is kept in constant contact with the skin, and it should not be removed.

Here is a rough guide as to what stones correspond with your sun sign.

    Gemstones for Chakra 

Healing power of Gemstones

Amber Gemstone

Amber - Thought to aid memory loss, purify the body, alleviate headaches, and address bone and heart problems, Amber is known for its stress relieving and calming properties.

Amethyst GemstoneAmethyst - Aids in the reduction of insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, and circulatory issues. Amethyst is considered the gemstone of meditation, peace, balance, courage, and inner strength.
Aquamarine GemstoneAquamarine - Aids the liver, throat, stomach, jaw, teeth, eyes, and ears. Aquamarine is also known for releasing fear, calming nerves, and bringing mental clarity.
Citrine GemstoneCitrine - Considered the gemstone to provide greater or increased hearing, Citrine also promotes success, abundance, and clear thinking.
Garnet GemstoneGarnet - Aids blood, heart, and lungs and is known to promote romantic love, passion, sensuality, and intimacy.
Lapis GemstoneLapis - Thought to aid in the alleviation of insomnia and depression, Lapis is also known for creating openness, truthfulness, and creativity.
Onyx GemstoneOnyx - Associated with the root chakra, Onyx brings spiritual inspiration, and control over emotions.
Pearl GemstonePearl - Known for its calming properties, the Pearl is said to aid purity, charity, integrity, truth, and loyalty in its wearer.

Peridot - Healing stress in relationships, lessening anger and jealousy, and slowing aging, the Peridot promotes abundance and prosperity.
Ruby GemstoneRuby - Aiding the emotions is the Ruby's calling card. Also known to increase integrity, devotion, and happiness.

Sapphire - The gemstone of creative expression and inner peace and meditation, the Sapphire also aids in personal expression and the alleviation of pain.
Topaz GemstoneTopaz - One of the most powerful gemstones, Topaz facilitates the balance of emotions and provides protection from greed.
Turquoise GemstoneTurquoise - A gemstone steeped in lore and tradition, Turquoise is a healing and balancing stone.

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