The idea that spirits can be the cause of ill-health and other problems has been a common belief among healers since ancient times. Jesus was said to heal by casting out spirits, moreover, present day healers continue to work with the idea that misguided spirits can cause problems. A plethora of techniques exists to release spirits which vary in effectiveness. I would like to describe a technique using Reiki that is both safe and highly effective. This technique can be used to release a spirit from a person or from a location such as a home. You do not have to be clairvoyant, be able to see the spirit, or know where it is specifically to use this technique.
Normally when a person's body dies, the spirit goes up to the light to be healed and blessed. However, in some circumstances, a spirit will become confused and not go to the light right away. The entity may remain close to the earth plane and dwell around familiar people or places. The spirit may become affected by lower desires and try to create problems for people. Usually this involves taking people's energy; causing them to feel weak. These spirits may cause confusion and other difficulties including poor health for the people they are in contact with. Sometimes they attach themselves to a person's aura, creating negative influences, or they may be connected to a home, hotel, or other building. If you are working with a client on a specific issue that doesn't seem to be clearing after several sessions, the client may have a spirit needing to be released. It's not necessary to tell the client they have a spirit unless you feel they will be able to accept this idea. If you don't feel it wise to tell the client, simply tell them you're going to use an advanced healing technique.
The working assumption with this technique is that the spirit is confused in some way and that is the reason why they are causing problems. The spirit needs to be healed so it can go to the light. This process is not a test of wills where you try to force the spirit to leave, it is a healing process. Also, you will not be using any of your personal energy in this process; an enlightened being will be doing the spirit release process for you and that is why it is safe. This process can be used to release spirits from people and also from locations such as from a home or building or an area.
Before beginning a spirit release session, it's necessary for you to develop a relationship with an enlightened being if you don't already have a relationship with one.. The reason this is important is that enlightened beings are free of ego and able to use the full power of the Source, (also called God, Holy Spirit, Higher Power etc.) This allows them to easily heal and release spirits. This includes spirits of any type no matter how powerful they may seem to be. To develop a relationship with an enlightened being, first decide on an enlightened being you'd like to work with. You can do this by reading literature on enlightened beings and choosing one you seem attracted to. Once you have one you'd like to work with, meditate each day by using the distant symbol and sending Reiki to the enlightened being. As you send Reiki say a prayer asking the enlightened being to strengthen your connection to them so they can help you with your work as a healer and especially with spirit release work. Do this a least 15 minutes a day for 2 weeks or more or until you feel a strong connection with the enlightened being.
1. Before beginning your spirit release session, say a prayer to your enlightened being asking them to protect you and to work with this process to heal and release the spirit.
2. Begin by sitting quietly, doing Reiki on yourself. Then draw Usui power symbols on your palms, and draw a large power symbol down the front of your body and small ones on each chakra intending that you are empowered and protected by the "Higher Power."
3. Now draw out the distant symbol, say its name three times, and using your intention, send Reiki energy directly to the spirit. Remember, you do not need to know where the spirit is. The distant symbol will act as a homing device, directing the Reiki to go to the spirit.
4. After sending Reiki to the spirit for a few minutes, say a prayer calling on your enlightened being and ask them to heal the spirit and completely release it and it take up to the light. Enlightened beings are very powerful and will easily be able to work with the spirit and take it up to the light. Once the spirit has gone to the light, it can no longer cause problems for people on Earth.
5. Continue sending Reiki for five to ten more minutes or until you feel the spirit has been taken up.
6. Sometimes the spirit will have left a residue of negative energy and/or negative effects. So, continue to send Reiki, but direct it using the distant symbol to any residue or effects that may have been left by the spirit. Now ask your enlightened to clear the residue and all effects. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes or until you feel the negative residue has been lifted.
7. Say a prayer of gratitude for the blessings and healings that you, your client, and the spirit have received.
If the spirit was attached to a person, that spirit will not be able to come back and cause problems again. However, it is likely that the person had attracted the spirit to begin with, and therefore, could attract another spirit if this weakness is not healed. To complete the healing, it is necessary to help the person heal the reason they attracted the spirit in the first place. This can be done with regular Reiki, The Healing Attunement, and Aura Clearing (Psychic Surgery). You can also use the distant symbol to direct Reiki to the area that allowed the spirit to become attached and then call on an enlightened being to come and do the healing.

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